Category: Reference

Barlow Wadley XCR-30 2

Barlow Wadley XCR-30. Review.

The Barlow -Wadley receiver was made in South Africa in the 1970s. It uses the Wadley drift-cancelling loop principle first used commercially in the Racal RA-17 radio receivers. Dr TL Wadley. The originator, used...

SX-130 and Custom Speaker 1

The Hallicrafters SX-130. Review.

The Hallicrafters SX-130 was made from 1965 to 1969. It is a single conversion superhet covering 0.56 to 31.5 MHz in 4 bands. It is a single superhet with an intermediate frequency (I.F.) of...

Philips Company Logo 0

History of the Philips company.

Philips was founded in Eindhoven in the Netherlands in 1891 to meet the growing demand for light bulbs as a result of the commercialisation of electricity. In 1926 Philips introduced the miniwatt range of...

EH Scott 0

EH Scott. History of Brand.

Earnest Humphrey Scott emigrated from New Zealand to America in the early 1920’s and started a business venture to manufacture only the highest quality radios. By the mid 1930s, he was offering custom-built radios...

Zenith Radio Corp 0

History of Zenith Radio Corp.

Zenith was founded by Ralph Matthews and Carl Hassel in Chicago, Illinois as Chicago Radio Labs (CRL) in 1918 as a small producer of amateur radio equipment. The name Zenith was derived from the...