ZigZag Antenna of Kharchenko (Calculator)

Calculator of Kharchenko Antenna
The updated calculator of Kharchenko Antenna. The antenna is modeled in MMANA program and optimized for Wi-Fi and 3G bands. MAA-model of the ZigZag antenna can be downloaded from our website. The wire in these bands is selected with a diameter of 2.5 mm, which corresponds to 5mm2 standard wire.
Without significant changes in the characteristics of the antenna can be used also the wire with 4 mm2, i.e. with a diameter of 2.3 mm. Form of the framework of rhombic and close to the square, that allows to achieve the maximum possible gain. In contrast to the Bi-Quad Trevor Marshall reflector has no bumpers.

Kharchenko Antenna
Central and side racks are made from dielectric material. All dimensions are given on the Central axes of the wire. The antenna is connected with 50 Ohm or 75 Ohm coaxial cable. (SWR < 1.12). The calculated gain is approx 10 dBi. Reflector are metal, but it is possible to use a mesh reflector, as in the picture.
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